
Elevate Your Workflow Game!  

HR Hour: Workflow Automation Workshop

This month we're looking at ways to level-up your custom workflows.  Join our exclusive online workshop where we'll dive deep into customization options to make your work more impactful.

Whether you're a pro or just starting, this interactive workshop offers inspiration and tips to streamline and elevate your existing workflow processes.

Don't miss this opportunity to unlock more potential and start creating the workflows you didn't know you could!

🗓️ March, 13th at 10:00 AM (GMT) via Zoom

Sign Up Below!

So einfach geht's

    Schritt 1
  • Sichert Euch einen Early Bird Rabatt über unsere exklusive Warteliste

    Meldet Euch über das Formular auf dieser Seite an und erfahrt als erste, wann Personio Whistleblowing verfügbar sein wird.

  • Schritt 2
  • Das Customer Growth Team meldet sich bei Euch

    Sobald das Produkt für Euren Account zur Verfügung steht, geben wir Euch eine Einführung in die neue App und arbeiten mit Euch den Nutzen für Euer Unternehmen heraus.

  • Schritt 3
  • Launch in Q3 - Los geht's!

    Habt Ihr Euch für das Modul entschieden, werden Euch die neuen Funktionen automatisch freigeschaltet, sobald das Produkt live geht.

What to expect 👩🏽‍💻

During the Session

An Interactive Workshop
During this session, you will receive an overview of custom workflow best practices, examples, and ideas.
We will also cover:
  • Differences between CWB, reminders, onboardings, conversations & when to use them.
  • Best practices for using workflow automation templates (Sick leave or documents) and and the creation of customized workflows such as department changes.

Deep Dive and Interaction
The session will allow for live questions and guidance so come prepared to participate and learn. We will monitor the chat and answer many of your questions live. We will also set up a poll to let you take a vote on what areas to explore further.
We hope this will allow us to answer the most pressing topics and questions!

After the Session

Follow-up Support and Connections
Our commitment after the session is your success. We won't leave you hanging! Expect valuable resources, inspirations, and game-changing ideas.
Meet fellow Personio Users!
Come connect with others and be a part of our Personio Voyager Community!

Registration form 🖌️

We look forward to seeing you!

If you have any questions, please email us at: